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We at Bajoron Know Fawns! We have been reading a facebook pages that have statements that are meant to give a new buyer that wants a fawn Bouvier pause for concern. Other breeders upon being called by buyers who want a fawn colored Bouviers, also utter statements to the buyer that are scary and make the buyer think that if they buy a fawn or purchase a fawn from a person who breeds fawn to fawn, that they will be getting an inferior dog or sick dog. Please read on to put an end to those notions. Again, Certain Breeders try to say that breeding a fawn Bouvier to a fawn Bouvier can cause problems, we are here to answer those questions you may have about this "myth" (yes it is a myth). We have addressed those concerns with logic and a level headed approach to those allegations. Science guides our knowledge not rumor and conjecture that the Main stream Bouvier breeders put forth. Let's start. These People, that try to place fear in their buyers, may be long time Bouvier fanciers and National and Regional Bouvier Club Members. While that membership carries some expectations that they know alot about Bouviers, In this department they are NOT KNOWLEDGABLE. . . .these people do not have a clue what they are talking about. We can say with conviction and Knowledge, they are NOT experts in color genetics. While you may believe that they know a great deal about the breed, you will find that they do not breed fawn to fawn and thus, do not know the true about this practice in breeding. The nature of their fears is what makes their fears unreasonable. Within the breed there are myths that are perpetuated. The statements are made, but the scientific evidence behind those statements are non existent. For instance "never wash a show dogs back" Simply put this only makes a dirty dog, but was a myth and belief that many who show Bouvier used to tell the others what to do to have a successful show Bouvier. If you wash the dog and the dog has a correct coat it will be harsh. NOT washing the back made grease, dirt and dander build up with dust and thus made the coat feel harsh so that is why this rumor and wives tale was perpetuated.
FAWN is NOT dilute in genetics. It is like two blonde haired blue eyed humans. It is not a mutation or and anomoly. The first Bouviers that are the foundation of the breed itself were fawn. Darker dogs were introduced to make the breed prodominantly black or brindle in their production. The Europeans in their infinitely uninformed wisdom would to eliminate the fawn within the breed, take a fawn and breed it back to a dark dog. They could not absorb the fact that they were perpetuating fawn not eliminating it. Good for us. . .really bad understanding of genetics for them. We are not sure why the thrust to eliminate FAWN but we are happy they were so ill educated about color genetics. Without these uneducated people the fawn may have died off and been lost to the breed all together. Now what is even more ironic is that even though many breeders profess that a dark and a light dog make the best pignmented fawns, or a dark and a dark make a beautiful fawn; We have found that this is absolutely NOT TRUE AT ALL!!!!!! We have seen fawns at shows that are from a two dark dogs or are parented from a light and a dark dog and these offsrping have almost white coats. . In fact the dogs from a dark and a light or two darks are often lighter in pigmentation, and the theory is busted. Our understanding of genetics allows us to breed two fawn using dogs of excellent pigment and the outcome is better than anything others have done. Note the visuals below: The top row of dogs are from two fawns and you can easily see that they are creamy oranges much darker than the dogs below. THE SECOND ROW OF DOGS THAT ALL COME FROM TWO DARK DOGS OR A FAWN AND A DARK. LIterally these photos are not altered in any way at all and without help it is easy to see the myth that two fawns make a white dog is easily debunked. The dogs on the top row have parents that are both fawn. Note how dark the pigments appear. NO photo shop was used to make them red or with more pigment these photos are as they were taken. The dogs On the lower row come from either two dark dogs or a dark and a light dog! These dogs are much lighter and one is even white in appearance. There for it is a myth that two fawns make a white dog. If a breeder chooses well for color two fawns can create more pigment in a fawn that darker dogs are able to! The dog in the header which is pumpkin colored fawn is a tenth generation of fawn bred to fawn. She is hardly washed out or lighter than a dark bred to a light or a dark bred to a dark.
When we first started hearing from disgruntled breeders that breeding fawn to fawn was harmful tot he breed, A group of fawn breeders got together and identified a Research Lab at UC Davis that deals in what the women referr to about as "dilute". We asked them if the Bouvier held any dangers in terms of fawn dogs and specifically if fawn bred to fawn was of any concern when genetics and dilute issues were concerned: BELOW IS THE ANSWER WE RECIEVED FROM THE LAB AND AS YOU CAN SEE THIS SET OF RESEARCHERS AND VETS UPHOLD OUR This statement in this email, could not be any more false. Dogs are either black or brown, and Fawn is not a dilute as stated by Vet Gen. No one is exploiting fawns. . . .we love them and we own them just like YOU do. We know there are others that like them as well, thus we share this love of the fawn. Fawn Bouviers are very special. Dogs with black noses when fully grown have pigment; there is nothing that is abhorrent or inferior to the color. As for the health issue, fawns are not less healthy than a black or brindle as well. In fact many of the health issues that have been found in Bouviers are more prevalent in the darks than the lights. While it is true that random illness can crop up in any dog, generally then pedigrees that yield a high occurrence of illness are from black and brindle pedigree lines and families of dogs. Below is from Vet Gen that states there are no problems with fawns and color. The interesting thing is this (we read this on FAWN Bouviers Facebook page) and it does make sense. These Breeders that are willing to slander and liable the good reputation of Fawn Breeders can't really speak to what breeding fawn to fawn produces. They don't even have one spec of scientific evidence to back up their claims. We that do breed fawn to fawn. We would not do it if the dogs we produced were not quality and wonderful dogs. We know what fawn produces. We even have a very complex idea of the genetic probability of breeding dogs who possess fawn and are black to a dog that is fawn. We understand why when you breed two fawns, YOU DO NOT GET A WHITE DOG. YOU DO NOT MAKE A SICK DOG, NOR DO YOU RUIN THE BREED. Our frequency of breeding fawn to fawn and our historical studies of the breed tell us what is probable. A good breeder of Bouviers should know what WE know if they paid attention. Why don't they breed fawn to fawn? When we first obtained Bouviers years and years ago, a Breeder who was well thought of said to us, "YOU NEVER BREED A FAWN TO A FAWN." When your dogs hold two recessive fawns, the dogs produced can be fawn and so it is hard to get rid of the possibility that a fawn will erupt IF BOTH DOGS HOLD THE RECESSIVE FAWN. Europeans used to take fawn dogs and breed them back to blacks or dark brindles, or sterilize them so they could not produce fawn. . . .OR WORSE! Breeders were scared that their reputations will be ruined if bucked the system and what was told to them. It is a bullying tactic and has been quite effective over the years. Imagine if the explorers who discovered the Americas had believed what they have been told about the Earth being flat! The wonderful United States you call home would not have been discovered. Good ideas come from those that question and research. On many websites the the country of origin says that breeding fawn to fawn is unacceptable. No evidence, logical reason or anecdotal evidence offered as proof that this statement is justified. Just statements like when your mother told you to stay out of the swimming pool water for 30 minutes after eating. Actually it was a ploy to give your mom some relaxation. We believe the fawn myths have a more sinister reason and that is to eradicate the fawn dogs. For whatever reason the Old school European Bouvier fanciers wanted to rid the breed of fawns, but many lovers kept it going. Just like a bad illness and a bad genes, genetics of illness are in all our Bouviers. It is important that mentors hand on the truth of what lines hold what possibilities. Rumor and conjecture are not appropriate modes of History keeping or of telling the next generation is acceptable in this arena. and yet another hateful quote from a Facebook web post:
This quote could not be any more comical! No one makes money breeding any color. While it is true there are puppy mills that do not health test, never show, and cut corners. This breeder does everything to ensure the well being and excellent production of quality dogs. This comment above reeks of jealousy and it is obvious that they do not realize that a quality fawn does not bring any more money than a quality brindle or black. All colors have their admirers and fawn is pretty but many people ask for dark dogs as well. We want to add. NO breeder should take the vow of poverty in relation to their puppies. It is imporant to give the best health care and to take care of puppies in a way that shows extreme care and healthy dogs. That can't be done living on a shoestring (living cheaply) Cutting corners in breeding is not good for your clients, your dogs or your program. Therefore telling a breeder they can't or should not make money to invest in the dogs and their future is steeped in ignorance and jealousy not fact or good choice.